After a year at home it’s time to up your game


After a year of sitting at the kitchen table are you feeling a little lost out there? Has your business profile taken a backseat whilst you’ve been busy just trying to get through your day? If so, it may be time to book that Headshot Photographer London you’ve been putting off for so long.

It’s hard to draw in those clients whilst stuck at home. People work with people and want to feel they can connect with someone before taking them on. How can we draw them in if we can’t go out and meet them? How can we show them who we are without sitting face to face?

A great Headshot could change everything. It’s never been so important as it is now to really show who you are in order to impress those trawling the web looking for someone just like you. It’s time you took that plunge!

You have my full sympathy

As someone who hates having her picture taken as much as the next person I am full of sympathy. I understand just how awful the idea of your headshot shoot can feel but I promise you it won’t be nearly as bad as you imagine! Hey, you may even enjoy it and feel empowered by the whole thing. Plus once you’ve got that great image up there you’ll feel a whole lot more confident too.

You need to draw them in like never before. They need to see that Headshot of yours and feel immediately connected with you. That YOU are the person they’re looking for to do the job they’re looking to get done. No need to click to the next website – they’ve found their match.

You don’t just want a pretty picture (though that would be rather nice of course). You want a headshot that speaks to people, that shows your personality and warmth. Make sure wherever you’re based in the world you find a photographer who you think can make you feel totally at ease. Someone warm and appealing themselves so you don’t freeze up and feel scared and uncomfortable the whole way through your shoot.

Believe me, as an ex-actress who had to frequently get her photos taken I know only too well how that feels!

Do look at my Headshot Photographer London top tips blogs to get some more ideas on how to achieve that perfect Headshot.